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Synthesis Retreats | Presents


Leadership Edition

A Comprehensive Program Including
Preparation, a 5-Day Psychedelic Supported Retreat and Integration

Scholarship Interest List


Synthesis recognizes that expanding access to psychedelic supported retreats to people with varied and diverse backgrounds and experiences is essential.
A tangible part of this commitment is evidenced through the Synthesis Scholarship Program that is designed to support marginalized and underrepresented communities to participate in our Expansion: Leadership Edition program.
We’re currently in the process of securing funding and building a fair and equitable process for reviewing and approving scholarship applications for Expansion: Leadership Edition
If you’re interested in participating in this program and could benefit from the support of our scholarship program, please complete the form below, and you’ll be added to our scholarship interest list.
We expect to have more information to share about the scholarship program and application process mid-year 2022 and will be communicating those details with the interest list as they become available